The social project of Canalejas in the last Sagasta Government has great importance in the History of work in Spain because it was the first attempt after the Social Reform Commission to institutionalize the intervention of the State in socio-labor relations. This intervention was preceded by steps such as the creation in of the Special Labor Statistics Service within the Ministry of the Interior so that the State began to have reliable data on the labor reality of a country that was already changing. their economic structures. In the Work Accident Law was approved by a Government led by Eduardo Dato the conservative politician with the most social conscience influenced to a large extent by social Catholicism and aware of the need for the State to begin to intervene in this matter to avoid a social overflow
And which would lead precisely to the creation of the Institute of Social Reforms in which would collect much of what the liberal Canalejas had worked on and which is the objective of this article. It is also the time of the approval of the Law on Working Conditions for CXB Directory Women and Children. Another immediate precedent occurred with the liberal Sagasta Government when Canalejas asked Adolfo González Posada and Adolfo Álvarez Buylla to take charge of the Technical Office the axis of his Labor Institute project. Posada was one of the great regenerationists and Krausists while Buylla also a Krausist would stand out in the pedagogical area and in sociology.
Both were members of the known as the Oviedo Group a group of intellectuals from the University of Oviedo who in the transition between the two centuries sought an intense scientific and moral renewal of Spain from regenerationist and Krausist positions. The project went ahead in the Congress of Deputies and received a favorable vote in the Senate but it did not go further. Well with this intervention Canalejas intended that his project would not remain exclusively bureaucratic but would be linked to those winds of change which came from the intellectual sphere and that they could act autonomously independently of the Government in power to that could be studied and acted in the world of work.