Content will become a commodity, but new treasures are emerging. Outstanding content is the new gold. B2B content creators rise: trust individual voices, not faceless brands. ️ Marketers will explore beyond tired digital platforms, and find their new content avenues. Search gets immersive. Google & Co. swap dry answers for experiences, stories, and diverse perspectives. Content will become a commodity but new treasures will emerge Content will become a commodity. The rising tide of GenAI-powered content generation threatens to turn every platform into a sea of indistinguishable articles, blog posts, and social media snippets.
Imagine a landscape with a tidal wave of information lacking authenticity and insights. The cost of generating content will decrease towards zero because of AI-generated content. We used to create content for commodity keywords manually. The way to Lists Of Mobile Number List get ahead was to have more writers on payroll. Now that AI can create commodity content in minutes and everyone has access to AI tools, the value of commodity content has gone from low to zero. As the cost of generating mediocre content plummets, so does its perceived value. But while mediocrity gets washed away, a new treasure island emerges: the rise of high-quality content.
In this new landscape, exceptional, insightful, and original work becomes the lifeblood of engagement and growth. As the cost of crafting high-quality content might initially decline, there’s a plateau where its value not only holds but surges, becoming a beacon in the vast ocean of content. Human authentic experiences will gain value. Both will adjust to market requests and dynamics. Authentic experiences, told with the power of human creativity, will become the new currency of connection. There was a time where SEO and outbound strategies dominated. In a new world where AI diminishes their efficacy, what guides brands toward visibility becomes brand awareness which is pushed by impactful content.